Upon completion of the body of work featured in 'Your Cashier Today Was Self', I felt a need to continue exploring these themes and aesthetics. Seeking to maximize these ideas, as well as presenting them off a computer screen, I attempted to translate them from photography and digital collage to found wood and acrylic paint. The resulting paintings communicate the modern language of consumerism and the internet's continued proliferation into our daily lives. Prominent text invites the viewer to contemplate coupons being offered, TV commercials viewed, digital billboards read while stuck in traffic, demands from the self checkout screen, come ons from direct mail offers for get-rich-quick schemes that languish on the coffee table before being thrown away, and wonder why and how we've allowed ourselves to accept this new form of being communicated to. Paired with bright colors, confused, tired faces and the occasional found object, the finished works take on elements of sculpture, with multiple pieces of wood coming together to make a canvas and at times, including three dimensional elements, challenging the idea of what a painting should look like.